Project management

Efficient classic, agile or hybrid project management in a secure environment.

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Successful companies trust OpenProject

Data sovereignty

Take control of your data and stay secure

Take back your data ownership: we give you the power to protect your privacy in a secure environment and with highest standards in data security and privacy.

  1. Protect your data and privacy

  2. System and network security

  3. Free and open-source software (FOSS)

  4. Peace of mind hosting in the EU

Data Protection

OpenProject can be installed on-premises in your own infrastructure, having full control and 100% data ownership. You know where your data is stored and what happens to it, without external influence.

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Project management

Your base for classic, agile or hybrid project management

Make your teams' working lives easier, more productive, and more enjoyable. Whether it is traditional, agile or hybrid project management, OpenProject is the fastest and safest way for teams to connect, structure their work and achieve results. Everyone knows the goals and works together to achieve them. Organize your own tasks and assign tasks to a teammate. With OpenProject you have all the information in one place.

Project planning and scheduling

Deliver your projects on time

With shared timelines you can activate the experience and creativity of your entire team to collaboratively create and visualize your project plan. Analyze the required activities and create a detailed plan that shows how and when the project will provide the deliverables defined in the project scope.

Agile, Scrum & Kanban

Better and faster iterations

Agile teams deliver better and faster. They build, measure and learn with each iteration. OpenProject provides the perfect tool to support agile project management and methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban.

Team Planner

Plan the workload for your team

Visually assign tasks to team members in a weekly or bi-weekly calendar to plan the activities with your team and to get a better perspective on the topics the team is working on.

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Open source software

Leverage Open Source for yourself

OpenProject is home to a big community of open source enthusiasts, developer, businesses and their projects. Be part of a global community – with open source and open mind.

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Code repository on Github


The leading open sourceproject management software

Find your perfect set-up and choose between on-premises as well as flexible hosting options.

Self managed

Hosted by OpenProject


OpenProject is the leading free and open source project management software.

Its Community edition covers a wide range of features and plugins and is free of charge.

Forever. We promise!

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Enterprise on-premises

The Enterprise on-premises offers you professional support, Enterprise add-ons and security features for your self-hosted OpenProject. This OpenProject edition requires Linux or Mac experience to install it on your own infrastructure.

Enterprise cloud

Concentrate on your business and let the experts do the hosting for you. This SaaS solution does not require any technical setup. The Enterprise Cloud offers you professional OpenProject Hosting and additional Enterprise add-ons and support.

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What our customers say

The students use OpenProject for their work to network. The theoretical project management techniques are directly put into practice. By using OpenProject, the productivity of the project members was increased significantly.

Prof. Dr. Eduard Gerhardt

Coburg University

Faculty of Economic Sciences

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#1 Open Source Project Management Software

Try OpenProject now with your team and get convinced!

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